Rainier Valley Radio Vision

Rainier Valley Radio

Radio is the most accessible form of mass communication and community radio is a lost art. The vision of Rainier Valley Radio (RVR) is to amplify the diverse voices in the Valley to tell our stories, share our experiences and deepen the sense of community in the Valley. Our goal is to start a community radio station operated, owned and guided by the communities it serves. A Rainier Valley Radio will enable individuals, groups and neighborhoods to tell their own stories, share experiences and become creators and contributors of media. 

The Rainier Valley Radio Advisory Board is open to anyone. To date, four people have come together to start the initiative and we need your help to make this happen. Our vision is to get people talking and we need you at the table to begin the conversation. We are looking for young people, seniors, people from the general public, diverse cultures, all creeds, story-tellers, radio professionals, educators, historians, etc. We feel that everyone has a story to tell and we want to help people learn how to create radio news, interviews, plays and other special events.

Rainier Valley Radio will serve the geographic community of SE Seattle and diverse social, economic, civic and multi-lingual communities. We will offer a variety of content often ignored or overlooked by commercial radio stations. Our programming will be geared toward the local area, including refugee and immigrant communities, and will feature local music, news, sports, cultural information, emergency and safety information from and about Rainier Valley. Our goal is to use radio as a tool to get our community members talking to each other, create measurable goals and help develop programming aimed at addressing and impacting the quality of life in the Rainier Valley.

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